A Word From Our Pastor
SEPTEMBER 22, 2021
Thank you for visiting our web page. Here you will find valuable information about our church and its ministries. If we can ever be of service to you, please call or email us.
September 26, 2021, we will begin our Sunday School for all age groups at 9:00 am. We will have Sunday Morning Worship at 10:00 am. We are also having a meal on Wednesday nights at 5:30 followed by Bible Study at 6:30 for children, youth and adults.
If you are concerned about coming and being in person, then join us on YouTube to participate in services that are broadcasted live every Sunday. For those who do come, we are cleaning and sanitizing the church every week for in person worship. We also have hand sanitizer at the entrances and facemasks for those who choose to wear one.
As we are pressing forward let us remember to stay FOCUSED, stay FATITHFUL and keep FOLLOWING our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Remember there are four things you can do:
Pray for Chalkhead Baptist Church and its leadership. We want to be all that God desires for us to be. In times like these, we need God’s wisdom and leading to accomplish His mission on earth. We are the church and we desire to let His light shine through to a world which desperately is looking for hope.
Plan on being involved in the life of the church. Worship is being broadcast on YouTube. More importantly, come join us in person as we worship our Savior with one another.
Participate in avenues of ministry. Call those in your Sunday School class or the shut-ins to see how they are doing. We are involved in Operation Christmas Child. What a great tine to be a blessing to someone through this ministry.
Plan on being a good steward with what God has entrusted you with. Use your talents so others can see Christ in you through ministry. Use your time wisely, spend time with God where you can grow in your relationship with Him. Use your talents to keep the ministry of Chalkhead alive and well.
Thank you for all that you do for the glory of God.
IN Christ,
Bro. Michael